
Have Marketing Budget? Three Ways To Waste It

When you have a budget to use for your lead generation and appointment setting campaign, you feel tempted to spend on really flashy and showy presentations and campaigns. However, as time will tell, this tactic hardly helps in generating sales leads. More often than not, you just wasted precious company money on a useless campaign. But what exactly are the biggest wasters of your marketing budget? You might be surprised.

  1. Trade Fairs – yes, the ever popular trade fairs can be a waste of your lead generation budget. While such fairs is good for generating B2B leads and closing existing ones, all that is useless if the target prospects do not attend. Sensible appointment setters will first verify how many people will attend. If the numbers are not comforting, then do not attend anymore.
  2. Brand promotions – while branding is important, it is how your product or service helps the intended prospects that make all the difference. It does not matter if you promote a lot through social media, telemarketing, or email. If what you offer is bad, then kiss your branding goodbye.
  3. Market research – conducting phone surveys is not bad. The reason it fails is because the people you hire, or the market they surveyed, is not capable of producing real results or B2B leads. That is a challenge faced by a lot of firms who outsource the work.

Basically speaking, it is still the quality of people tasked for the lead generation and appointment setting campaign to succeed.